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Die gute Stube.

Friedrich Nietzsche first visited Sils Maria in 1881 and returned almost every summer until 1888. He spent a total of seven summers in this idyllic mountain village in the Swiss Upper Engadine, appreciating the unique landscape and the serene seclusion of Sils, which he declared his second home.


In Sils Maria, Nietzsche found the perfect environment for writing and contemplation. It was here that much of his significant work “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” was created.


Nietzsche loved taking long walks through the forests and along the shores of Lake Sils. His time in Sils Maria was marked by intense philosophical work and inner reflection. He described the area as “6000 feet beyond man and time,” feeling deeply connected to the tranquil and powerful nature.


To this day, Sils Maria attracts numerous visitors who are drawn by the inspirational power of this special place and Nietzsche’s legacy.


Schmökern Sie sich durch unsere kleine Bibliothek mit einem guten Tee und einem Stück Kuchen und genießen Sie die Idylle, während Sie in die Welten der Literatur eintauchen. Ob Sie spannende Krimis, romantische Liebesgeschichten oder historische Werke bevorzugen – unsere vielseitige Auswahl lädt zum Verweilen und Entdecken ein.

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